1. Introduction
At SynapseUK, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our students, including children, young people, and vulnerable adults. Our safeguarding policy ensures that everyone can learn in a safe environment and that their rights, dignity, and privacy are respected. We have a duty of care to take all reasonable steps to protect those who engage with our services from harm or abuse.
This policy outlines our approach to safeguarding, our expectations for staff, and the steps we will take to protect students from abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
2. Policy Statement
SynapseUK is committed to the highest standards of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all students.
All staff, including tutors, mentors, administrators, and any contracted individuals, have a responsibility to safeguard students and must be fully aware of the procedures for identifying and reporting any safeguarding concerns.
We have a zero-tolerance approach to abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
3. Scope of the Policy
This policy applies to all staff members, contractors, tutors, mentors, volunteers, students, and parents/carers involved in SynapseUK. It covers all interactions through online platforms and any in-person activities that may be organised by SynapseUK.
4. Legislative Framework
This policy is guided by UK legislation and statutory guidance, including:
The Children Act 1989 & 2004
The Education Act 2002
The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
The Sexual Offences Act 2003
The Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)
Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023)
The Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR)
5. Definitions of Abuse
Abuse can take many forms. At SynapseUK, we are committed to identifying and addressing the following types of abuse:
Physical Abuse: Physical harm to an individual.
Emotional Abuse: Psychological mistreatment that may harm an individual’s emotional development.
Sexual Abuse: Any form of sexual activity with an individual without their consent, including online exploitation.
Neglect: Failure to meet an individual’s basic physical or emotional needs.
Online Abuse: Use of the internet or digital devices to harm or exploit an individual.
6. Roles and Responsibilities
Safeguarding Lead
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is responsible for overseeing safeguarding at SynapseUK. This individual ensures that safeguarding policies are followed and is the first point of contact for any safeguarding concerns.
The DSL for SynapseUK is:
Name: Zara Seraphina Khan
Contact: support@synapseuk.org
All Staff
Must be aware of the safeguarding policy and procedures.
Are responsible for reporting any safeguarding concerns or suspicions immediately to the DSL.
Should ensure that all interactions with any service users are professional and adhere to the code of conduct.
7. Safer Recruitment
We are committed to recruiting staff safely. This includes:
A thorough vetting process for all applicants.
Regular review and updates of safeguarding procedures.
8. Online Safeguarding
Given the nature of our work being primarily online, particular attention is given to online safety. This includes:
Conducting sessions through secure, approved platforms.
Students and tutors/mentors having clear expectations for professional conduct during online sessions.
Recording or monitoring of sessions where necessary to ensure student safety.
Ensuring that no personal information (email, phone numbers, etc.) is shared outside of the agreed channels.
Clear guidance for tutors and students on appropriate online communication.
9. Reporting a Safeguarding Concern
All concerns must be reported to the DSL immediately, either verbally or in writing.
If a student is at immediate risk of harm, appropriate emergency services (999) must be contacted.
The reporting process is as follows:
Recognise the concern: This could include an individual disclosing abuse, observing signs of abuse, or suspecting something is wrong.
Record the concern: Write down as much detail as possible, including times, dates, and what was said.
Report the concern: Pass this information to the DSL immediately.
Respond to the situation: The DSL will decide on the next steps, which may involve contacting the relevant authorities (e.g., police, social services).
All safeguarding matters will be handled confidentially and in accordance with data protection laws. Only those who need to know will be informed of any safeguarding concern.
10. Training and Awareness
The DSL will ensure that safeguarding procedures are reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.
Regular safeguarding briefings and updates will be provided to all staff.
11. Whistleblowing
We encourage an open and honest environment at SynapseUK. Staff, tutors, and students are encouraged to raise any concerns about malpractice, wrongdoing, or potential safeguarding risks without fear of reprisal. Any concerns raised will be treated seriously and investigated.
12. Monitoring and Review
This policy will be reviewed annually or when there are significant changes in legislation, guidance, or operational procedures. Any amendments will be communicated to all staff, tutors, and relevant stakeholders.
Policy Last Reviewed: 28/12/2024
Next Review Date: 28/12/2025